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Daisi Sunset

Daisi Sunset

Regular price £6.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £6.00 GBP
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Daisi, translated in English to "Sunset", is hand-picked by the villagers during the full moon and new moon, allowing for optimized water absorption and better plant growth. The color of the tea liquor is remniscent of the hues of the sunset ofver the mountainside during this time. 

This tea is processed using traditional Georgian techniques, with some modern technology and knowledge from Chinese processing, leading to this unique tea.

The first thing you will notice is the distinct aroma of cocoa, with sweet, honey undertones, and a hint of woody aroma as well. When brewed, it has a light, delicate, and silky texture, with a malty taste and balanced acidity. The low tannins create a honeyed and round flavour, making this tea easy to drink with or without milk.

This tea is incredibly popular among those who enjoy black tea, and are looking for something familiar, but still different.

We source our teas as close to the original producer as possible, while other brands are often multiple steps removed from the original producer, our Georgian tea is sourced directly from the single farm which produces them, ensuring as much profit as possible goes to the people growing and blending the tea, and keeping these communities thriving.

In addition to this, a portion of our sales goes to Rainforest Trust UK, to do what we can to protect endangered species and threatened habitats across the world. Each cup you enjoy places 25sqm of endangered land under protection, so you can enjoy your tea knowing you're helping the environment, and the communities of those growing the tea.

Tea Type : Red Tea

Origin : Nagomari, Guria - Georgia

Aroma : Cocoa, Malty, Rich

Flavour : Cocoa, Sweet, Floral, Woody

Ingredients : Tea (Camellia Sinensis)

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