What is seasonal tea?

Seasonal tea is comprised of smaller batches of tea, harvested from a single farm in a single season. Most teas nowadays are blended from leaves across multiple farms or even multiple countries to create a standardized blend. We want to bring you tea that is not blended, so you can enjoy the unique qualities each farm has to offer. No batch is the same twice, which we find exciting, and we hope to bring that to you as well.

Explore our bundles

We have curated this collection into bundles so you can enjoy a variety of tea without having to buy larger quantities

À la carte Teas

Know what you like? Want a larger quantity? Browse our selection of individual teas.

Something about the farm

Located in the heart of Sri Lanak’s tea country, Bearwell estate comprise of four divisions – Bearwell, Belgravia, Fairfield and Walaha.
The estate sprawls over an extent of 423.41 hectares of which 312.17 hectares is covered by tea. The estate’s highest elevation is at 1,600
meters while the lowest is at 1,280 meters. The factory is located at an elevation of 1,280 meters.

One of a kind

This collection will be gone in 2025, enjoy it while it's here!